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Wessex Clinical Senate. Maternity Services Recommendations. (Nov. 2014)

In January 2014, the nine CCGs in Hampshire, Dorset, Portsmouth, Southampton and the Isle of Wight asked the Strategic Clinical Network for Maternity, Children and Young People to develop a 5-10 year strategic plan for maternity, neonatal and paediatric services. This proposal was supported by the Strategic Clinical Network Steering Group in February 2014.
The draft strategy entitled ‘A Vision-Led Model for Safe and Sustainable Maternity Services’ was presented by the Strategic Clinical Network to the Wessex Clinical Senate Council in June 2014 along with a number of research articles and other papers outlining good practice in this area. Presentations were made at the council meeting by a range of stakeholders including acute providers, ambulance trusts, mental health providers, public health and commissioners.
The Strategic Clinical Network asked the Senate Council to provide a strategic view on physical and mental health pathways across obstetrics and maternity services rather than how services should be reconfigured.

Clinical Senate

South East





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Clinical Advice