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South West Clinical Senate. Primary Care Networks (May 2019)

What is the role of Primary Care Networks in the development of high-quality health and social care
services, care pathways and improved clinical outcomes in the South West?

This topic was proposed by South West CCGs and NHSE following the January 2019 Clinical Senate
Recommendations on the role of community pharmacy in the context of primary care delivery, and which
had a significant focus on the opportunities that Primary Care Networks bring for the integration of
community and primary care.
Given the national timeline for Primary Care Network coverage arrangements across regions to be confirmed
imminently with the GP contract to go live on 1st July, these recommendations are particularly timely. They
seek to provide guidance on how best to support primary care networks in the South West as they develop
to ensure the best clinical outcomes for patients.

Clinical Senate

South West





Types of Work:

Clinical Advice