Service reconfiguration is a window of opportunity to drive forward the delivery of fair and equitable care. Both service providers and commissioners have a responsibility to support the triple aim of improving quality of care, reducing health inequalities across communities, and delivering the best value care.
The aim of this report is to provide guidance to help both systems and review panels to ensure tackling health inequalities is a key consideration within service change proposals from the outset and to demonstrate ‘what good looks like’ for us as a Clinical Senate. The background provides an overview of the current issue of health inequalities and the need for action by implementing the Core20PLUS5 approach. Section 4 provides key questions for systems to review in relation to health inequalities when planning service changes, with examples of good practice. Particular consideration has been given to coastal communities within this report as they experience significant health inequalities and there are a large proportion of Integrated Care Boards (ICBs) within the southeast which serve coastal communities. Further information and resources are signposted in the final section of the report.