On the 29th November 2016, the Thames Valley Clinical Senate Council reviewed and endorsed the report received from the Clinical Review Team which had been established to carry out a formal clinical review of the proposals put forward by Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (OCCG) for service change in Oxfordshire.
This review was carried out as part of the formal assessment of the proposals undertaken by NHS England prior to public consultation.
As at the 29th November 2016, the Clinical Senate was supportive of the principles of the clinical models but recommended that there were a number of areas where further evidence or information would be required. The Senate report, dated 30th November 2016, stated that the issues detailed in the recommendations may not need to be resolved prior to consultation but would need to have been explored in much more depth prior to implementation and assurance that this work was complete would need to be provided to NHS England.
On the 5th December 2016, the Senate report was discussed with OCCG as part of the feedback from the NHS England assurance review. OCCG undertook to provide the additional information identified and submitted two Addendums to the initial material which have been clarified with the CCG through discussions with NHS England staff. In addition, discussions have taken place between senior staff of OCCG and NHS England to further resolve the issues.
This report will form an Appendix of the Senate Report dated 30.11.16 and reflects the impact of the additional information on the recommendations made. Where the recommendation has not been resolved, the Senate re-iterates that it does not need to be resolved prior to the public consultation but do need to have been assured prior to implementation.