Following recommendations made by the Senate in part 1 of this review, the Working Together commissioners developed a blueprint for stroke services across Yorkshire and the Humber. The Senate was asked to review the blueprint and the principles which underline it.
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Working Together Programme – Children’s Surgery & Anaesthesia (Part 1)/November 2015
The Case for Change for children's surgery and anaesthesia had previously been reviewed and supported by the Senate. This report relates to a subsequent request to give advice on the service specification in terms of its completeness as a comprehensive high quality...
NW Clinical Senate – Proposals for the Future Delivery of Urgent and Emergency Care Services in Wirral (2018)
Wirral Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) commissioned Greater Manchester, Lancashire & South Cumbria (GMLSC) Clinical Senate to undertake an independent clinical review of the proposed plans for urgent and emergency care services delivery in Wirral.
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Working Together – Model for the Care of the Acutely Unwell Child (2016)
Nationally, the Royal College of Paediatricians and Child Health have highlighted the issues and challenges facing the provision of children's acute care services in district general hospitals relating to the availability of a medical workforce sufficient to staff the...
Northern England Clinical Senate/West, North and East Cumbria Success Regime/January 2016
As part of the move from the Together for a Healthier Future programme in the West, North and East Cumbria Success Regime, the Clinical Senate was asked to identify and provide a range of clinical expertise to support the development of a set of clinically and...
Northern England Clinical Senate/01 Vascular Services for North Cumbria/November 2020
Following changes to joint working arrangements between North Cumbria University Hospitals and Dumfries and Galloway Hospital in Scotland, the Northern England Clinical Senate have been asked by NHSE/I Specialised Commissioners to review a number of options for the...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Urgent Care Review East Riding/August 2016
East Riding of Yorkshire CCG published its Urgent Care Strategy in 2016. It went on to review its current provision of Minor Injuries Units and community beds across their geography producing a case for change. The Senate was asked to advise on the strength of the...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Vascular Services across Yorkshire and Humber, Stage 1 review/April 2016
Previous work to rationalise the number of arterial vascular centres across Yorkshire and the Humber had been completed but remaining services were still not compliant with the national service specification. Commissioners and stakeholders worked to define a future...
Northern England Clinical Senate/Together for a Healthier Future West, North and East Cumbria Review (Phase 1)/April 2014
The Northern England Clinical Senate were requested by Cumbria CCG to provide independent clinical assurance and advice to their Together for A Healthier Future programme. Phase 1 of this work was to give assurance on the pathways for high risk cardiac cases including...
Northern England Clinical Senate/Together for a Healthier Future West, North and East Cumbria Review (Phase 2)/June 2015
The Northern England Clinical Senate were requested by Cumbria CCG to provide independent clinical assurance and advice to their Together for A Healthier Future programme. For Phase 2 of the work the Northern England Clinical Senate were asked to help the development...
NW Clinical Senate – Support for Morecambe Bay’s ‘Better Care Together’ reconfiguration programme (2015)
Provision of clinical expertise and advice for a series of 'deep dive' pathway reviews. This included a report from a deep dive workshop which explored how Morecambe Bay health and care services could move at pace towards the development of an accountable care system...
NW Clinical Senate – Proposed Models of Care for South Tyneside & Sunderland: Phase 2 of the Path to Excellence Programme (2019)
An independent clinical review of the proposed plans for emergency department, acute medicine, emergency surgery and elective and specialist services delivered in Sunderland & South Tyneside, in line with the NHS England Stage 2 assurance process. Undertaken by...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Scarborough and Ryedale Urgent Care/July 2014
Clinical Review of the service specification for urgent care proposals. The CCG had developed a proposed model for the provision of an integrated Urgent Care service which would involve the reconfiguration of current services, GP Out of Hours, Minor injuries and Walk...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review Service Specifications for Dermatology Pathway/July 2015
The current dermatology service, including the management of 2WW, was commissioned in 2011 and is community based with acute provision for complex surgery or anaesthesia. The service was reviewed in 2015 and the Senate was asked for its clinical opinion of the...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/West Yorkshire Hyper Acute Stroke services/April 2017
Building on the work undertaken by the Senate in 2015, commissioners developed the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Hyper Acute Stroke and Acute Stroke Strategic Case for Change. The Senate was asked to review the Case for Change and advise whether it supported the...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of the options being considered for ENT within Northern Lincolnshire and Goole/July 2014
Review of the options being considered for ENT within Northern Lincolnshire and Goole. The proposals considered centralising the service onto one hospital site, rather than being delivered at both DGH sites. The proposal was based on national best practice around...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/ Review of proposals for Mechanical Thrombectomy in Acute Stroke/November 2019
The Senate was asked to provide their advice on whether a regional Mechanical Thrombectomy (MT) service, delivered by each of the three MT centres (Hull, Leeds & Sheffield) on a one in three rotational basis, was a suitable and acceptable interim solution to...
NW Clinical Senate – Clinical Review of a Community Dermatology Model and Triage Service for Fylde & Wyre CCGs (Aug 2015)
The GMLSC Clinical Senate reviewed proposed plans for a community dermatology service and referral management system. It found that in principle the model was sound and offered a number of recommendations in relation to clinical issues including cancer two week rules...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of Proposed Model for the Delivery of Pancreatic Cancer Surgery (Part 2)/May 2017
Building on the Senate review in 2016 of the Case for Change, the Senate was asked to review the proposed model of 2 centres, 3 operating sites and consider whether it was a sustainable option and how could it work most effectively, across the 3 sites, to deliver high...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Pontefract Hospital Midwifery Led Unit. Part 2/September 2019
Wakefield CCG asked the Senate to consider the the preferred model for the Midwifery Led Unit at the Pontefract Hospital building on the early advice previously provided in May 2019
Northern England Clinical Senate/Review of Paediatric services in preparation of Specialist Emergency Care Hospital in Cramlington/February 2015
The Clinical Senate was asked to comment (as part of the NHS England assurance process) on a change to the service model for the delivery of paediatric care at the new Northumbria Specialist Emergency Care Hospital (NSECH) ( opened in July 2015.)
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Ophthalmology Out of Hours Model-Together Vanguard Partnership/July 2018
A review of the ophthalmology out of hours model across the Working Together Vanguard Partnership in South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw. The Senate was asked to provide informal advice on whether there were any safety concerns with the model which had experienced some...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Pontefract Hospital Midwifery Led Unit. Part 1/May 2019
Wakefield CCG asked the Senate to inform the development of the options for the midwifery led unit at Pontefract Hospital as part of an overall strategy for Maternity Services across the Trust prior to any required public consultation. The Senate was asked to identify...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Leeds Urgent Care and Rapid Response Strategy/June 2018
A review of the draft strategy for urgent care and rapid response across the city of Leeds. The Senate was asked to provide informal advice on the developing strategy advising on the issues within the strategy that need to be addressed as the detail develops. The...
Northern England Clinical Senate/Liverpool Women’s Hospital Maternity Proposals/June 2017
Liverpool Clinical Commissioning Group had produced a Pre-Consultation Business Case (PCBC) setting out the options appraisal process and the resultant short list of reconfiguration options for public consultation following their review of Services Provided by...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of Mental Health Recovery and Rehabilitation Proposals in Calderdale/2017
Calderdale CCG asked the Senate to provide an independent clinical view of their proposed model for mental health recovery and rehabilitation. The proposals include the closure of some community inpatient facilities and investment of that funding in a specialist...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Vale of York Review of Mental Health Services/January 2018
The Vale of York CCG has been working with their provider Tees Esk and Wear Valley Foundation trust (TEWV) to transform mental health services. All the mental health estate and facilities across the Vale of York have been reviewed and an approach taken to develop...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of Hull Integrated Care Centre/September 2015
Hull CCG developed a proposal for an integrated care centre in Hull, designed to enable rapid assessment and improved management of long term conditions in a community setting. The centre would be Hull's only purpose built rehabilitation/re-ablement facility. This was...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/01 Review of Harrogate and Rural District Mental Health Services/December 2018
Harrogate and Rural District Clinical Commissioning Group (HaRD CCG) developed proposals to reconfigure their mental health service for working age adults and older people in the Harrogate and Rural District area. The Senate was asked to advise if the proposed model...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of Goole Hospital/Oct 2014
Consideration of options to ensure future sustainability of Goole Hospital. Commissioners developed options to maximise capacity and resources including developing more integrated services on site through a Health Campus model. The original proposal was withdrawn and...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/03 Review of an aortic dissection rota/June 2019
The Senate was asked by Specialised Commissioning to review their proposals for a Yorkshire and the Humber wide aortic dissection rota. This is a region wide rota, with a specialist surgeon on call, taking all patients with aortic dissection. The Senate was asked to...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/01 Review of an Ophthalmic Clinical Assessment and Treatment Service/November 2014
Clinical Review of a proposed community Clinical Assessment and Treatment ophthalmology service considering whether the scope of the service was clinically safe to be delivered in a community based, consultant led service
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of Clinical Haematology services in Hull and North Lincolnshire/March 2019
The Senate was asked by Specialised Commissioning to review their proposals for the reconfiguration of clinical haematology services provided by Hull and East Yorkshire NHS Hospitals Trust (HEYHT) and Northern Lincolnshire and Goole Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of Diabetic Model Across Bradford/March 2017
The Bradford Provider Alliance led a redesign of the integrated diabetes service to deliver an end to end diabetes pathway and patient journey from prevention through to acute intervention. The Senate was asked to review the proposal and advise whether it would...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Acute Services at the Friarage Hospital on behalf of Hambleton Richmond & Whitby CCG. (Part 2)/June 2019
The Senate was approached by HRW CCG to review whether the options developed for the Friarage hospital clinical model addressed the issues raised in the Case for Change and to identify the risks and opportunities the commissioners needed to consider as they developed...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Acute services at the Friarage Hospital on behalf of Hambleton Richmond and Whitby CCG. (Part 1)/February 2019
The Senate was approached by HRW CCG to review whether the options developed for the Friarage hospital clinical model addressed the issues raised in the Case for Change and to identify the risks and opportunities the commissioners needed to consider as they developed...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of acute services at East Cheshire NHS Trust on behalf of Eastern Cheshire CCG/ 2018
The Senate was approached by the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (C&M HCP) to work with Eastern Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in reviewing the sustainability of acute services in East Cheshire NHS Trust. The Senate was asked to...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review of acute services at Scarborough General Hospital/February 2020
The Senate was asked to review the proposed reconfiguration of acute urology and paediatrics/obstetrics services and advise on any clinical concerns or adverse impacts relating to it. This is part of the wider acute services review looking to ensure sustainability and...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Acute services at Southport and Ormskirk NHS Hospital Trust /January 2019
The Senate was approached by the Cheshire and Merseyside Health and Care Partnership (C&M HCP) to work with Southport and Formby CCG in reviewing the sustainability of acute services in Southport and Ormskirk NHS Trust. The Senate was asked to advise on the Case...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Multi Speciality Community Provider Service/September 2017
Scarborough and Ryedale CCG have identified the need to improve their populations access to community health and social care. The CCG has developed a model for an integrated prevention, community care and support service for adults. The Senate was asked to provide an...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Review on the Future of Castleberg Hospital/October 2017
The review focussed on the Castleberg Community Hospital, a 10 bed intermediate facility which had experienced temporary closures for patient safety reasons due structural problems with the building. It is sited in a rural community which holds it in high regard and...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/Pancreatic Cancer Services/December 2016
Specialised Pancreatic Cancer services within Yorkshire and the Humber are delivered in 3 specialist centres, only one of which is compliant with the minimum population required. Specialised commissioners reviewed and evaluated the current model with the intention of...
Northern England Clinical Senate/Urgent and Emergency Paediatrics Services Path To Excellence (Phase 1)/April 2014
The Northern England Clinical Senate was asked to undertake a formal clinical review of the proposals for Urgent and Emergency Paediatrics services across South Tyneside District Hospital and Sunderland Royal Hospital as part of the Path To Excellence programme (Phase...
Yorkshire & Humber Clinical Senate/The Working Together Programme – Out of Hours Emergency Care for Ophthalmology/January 2015
The aim of this programme was to deliver a safe and sustainable out of hours emergency service for Ophthalmology across seven trusts. The Senate was consulted for advice on the options developed. The Senate was asked to review the 5 options and identify areas of...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Northamptonshire ENT Services (December 2019)
Northampton General Hospital (NGH) and Kettering General Hospital (KGH) commissioned the East Midlands Clinical Senate to undertake a joint review of their ENT services. The review included an options appraisal of proposed future models to assist the trusts to...
NW Clinical Senate – Review of the Central Lancashire “Our Health Our Care” Acute Sustainability Workstream (2019)
GMLSC Clinical Senate was commissioned to review the proposed "Our Health Our Care" models of care for Central Lancashire. In particular to: Identify whether the proposed models for self-care, GP services and Locality Hubs are credible and robust; Examine the clinical...
Northern England Clinical Senate/North Tyneside CCG Urgent Care Review/June 2016
North Tyneside CCG were directed by NHS England to seek clinical support from the Northern Clinical Senate to develop their clinical model for Urgent Care following the formal NHSE Stage 2 Assurance Review of the CCGs initial proposals. This review found that...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Northampton General Hospital Breast Services (July 2019)
Northampton General Hospital commissioned the East Midlands Clinical Senate to undertake an independent clinical review of all aspects of the Breast pathway, symptomatic and screening: The patients' pathway from the two-week wait, screening invitation through to the...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Northampton General Hospital Cardiology Service (August 2019)
Northampton General Hospital commissioned the East Midlands Clinical Senate to undertake an independent clinical review addressing broad areas of concern around the cardiology service categorised as capacity and productivity, aspects of governance and oversight and...
East Midlands Clinical Senate NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG – Urgent Treatment Centres Clinical Review (May 2019)
NHS Derby and Derbyshire CCG commissioned the East Midlands Clinical Senate to undertake an independent clinical review of their approach to Urgent Treatment Centre Designation and their framework for decision making to ensure their decisions assess health...