Recommendations from the South-West Clinical Senate Council on how we might ensure that children and young people waiting for paediatric specialties and/or within all-age (medical and surgical) and community pathways are appropriately prioritized and receive safe,...
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations How can we build a sustainable NHS that’ll enable innovation and support the restoration of evidence based interventions, suspended during COVID 19 pandemic?” What models of care could help to address this? (June 2023)
A written thought piece. Reimagining the NHS...the next 75 years. Read more by following the link below
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations Supporting people to live well with pain whilst reducing and preventing harm from opioids medication (Feb 2023)
‘Reducing and preventing harm from opioid prescribing’ emerged as a deliberative topic for the Senate Council, from conversations with the South West Academic Health Science Network and the West of England Academic Health Science Network. Both networks had already...
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations Workforce Retention in healthcare and lessons learned from the Covid 19 pandemic (Nov 2022)
The South West Clinical Senate notes that the workforce has been a key component within recent service reconfiguration proposals, often precipitated by Systems experiencing workforce challenges. Crucial to the delivery of safe and sustainable patient care, is having...
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations Handover Delays (July 2022)
Recommendations from the South West Clinical Senate Council on quantifying harm to patients and staff relating to ambulance delays and system-level interventions to mitigate the impact.
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations Climate Change (Nov 2021)
Revisiting and Reenergising our focus on Climate Change January 2020 saw the launch of the ‘Greener NHS’ programme and the setting up of an NHS Net Zero Expert Panel chaired by Dr Nick Watts, the first NHS Chief Sustainability Officer, tasked to create a national road...
West Midlands Clinical Senates Review of the Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Intrapartum Maternity Services (April 2024)
The West Midlands Clinical Senate was commissioned by Staffordshire and Stoke-on-Trent Integrated Care Board (SSOT ICB) on behalf of the Integrated Care System (ICS) including University Hospitals of Derby and Burton NHS Foundation Trust (UHDB) and University...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Review of the Governance within the Upper Gastrointestinal Pathway at the University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (April 2024)
The Clinical Senate Review looked into a number of concerns that had been raised, including patient safety, culture and governance within the Upper GI Pathway at UHB.
East of England Clinical Senate Advice – Cambridge Children’s Hospital (Dec 2023)
Although the proposals for a specialist Children’s Hospital in Cambridge (CCH) did not constitute a significant variation in service provision from an NHS England assurance perspective, the East of England Clinical Senate Council welcomed the opportunity to provide...
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project – ICS Communications
To review staff experience of communication around ICSs to date and how they would want to be communicated with in the future.
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project – Treatment Resistant Depression
This project includes a literature review and site visits to understand the management of TRD, including the developing evidence base of innovative approaches including nasal ketamine and rTMS
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project – Workforce – Assessing variabilities in access to imaging requests for advanced practitioners working in acute trusts across the Midlands
The East Midlands and West Midlands Clinical Senates worked in collaboration with Health Education England to complete this project which looked to assess variabilities in access to imaging requests for advanced practitioners working in acute trusts across the...
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project – Therapeutic Mental Health Inpatient Environment
The scope of the project is to establish what a good therapeutic inpatient environment looks like and provide recommendations that can be shared with Midlands Provider Trusts to support them in providing: ‘…a therapeutic environment [which] provides the best...
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project – Supporting Long COVID – Google Trends
The team have undertaken a project utilising internet search history as a repository of information on a new medical condition.
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project -Artificial Intelligence Integration and Barriers to Widespread Adoption
To understand the barriers to adoption of AI technology in healthcare and how this can be supported to better utilise the available technology. ...
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project – Clinical Governance
This project has worked with a large GP practice to evaluate the feasibility of embedding a matrix approach to clinical governance.
Midlands Clinical Senates Proactive Project – COVID Recovery and Healthcare Inequalities
The project aimed to understand the health inequalities within the backlog of particular services and make broad recommendations on how to close the gap. There are two distinct workstreams – Data and Literature Review....
South East Clinical Senate. Addendum to the Review of the Pre-Consultation Business Case for West Sussex Stroke Services Transformation. – August 2022
A first review of the pre-Consultation Business Case (PCBC) for transformation of West Sussex Stroke services was carried out by the South East Clinical Senate (the Senate) during March 2022. This was undertaken by a stroke services review panel drawn from patients...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Clinical Senate Desktop Review of Patient Safety in the Children’s and Young People’s (CYP) Services at Kettering General Hospital (KGH) (October 2023)
The Clinical Senate were commissioned to triangulate patient safety information to be mapped by the Trust to their existing Children and Young People action plan to ensure that all themes had been picked up and that the action plan is robust.
South East Clinical Senate. Putting people at the heart of service change report. February 2024
Co-production is becoming increasingly relevant and manifest within healthcare; planning, design, implementation, review, evaluation and of course research. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and other major national funders of health and social care...
South East Clinical Senate. The Clinical Co-Dependencies of Acute Hospital Services Summary Report – January 2024
This document presents a summary of what to find in the revised South East Clinical Senate report ‘The Clinical Co-Dependencies of Acute Hospital Services’ and should be read in conjunction with that report and the allied report ‘Teaching, Training and Research:...
South East Clinical Senate. The Clinical Co-Dependencies of Acute Hospital Services – January 2024
The first edition of this document was produced in response to a major focus on the future role of acute hospitals. That focus has not diminished over the intervening time period and the acceleration of new and different ways of working driven by the COVID-19 pandemic...
South East Clinical Senate. Teaching, Training and Research: Workforce Considerations for Major Service Change – January 2024
This report is an adjunct to, and complements, our update of The Clinical Co-Dependencies of Acute Hospital Services report. Service delivery can never be considered in isolation. Education, training, and research are integral to delivery of quality services and by...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Desktop Review of the Northamptonshire ICB Diabetes Pathway (November 2023)
The East Midlands Clinical Senate was commissioned by the Northamptonshire ICB (Integrated Care Board) with a request to support the review of their end-to-end diabetes pathway across the county (prevention through to end-of-life care). A desktop review was...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Review on Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG and Nottingham University Hospitals – Tomorrow’s NUH (TNUH) Follow-On Review (July 2022)
The Clinical Senate has been asked to review the TNUH programme for the third time. The review focuses on any evidence gaps identified in the previous two reviews (December 2020 and April 2021), or where further work was to be undertaken by the system such as,...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Review on Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG and Nottingham University Hospitals – Tomorrow’s NUH Thematic review (April 2021)
East Midlands Clinical Senate has recently undertaken a thematic review of key Clinical models to support the development of the Tomorrow’s Nottingham University Hospitals programme of work. This review will form part of the final TNUH report following public...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Review on Nottingham and Nottinghamshire CCG and Nottingham University Hospitals – Tomorrow’s NUH review (December 2020)
The Clinical Senate was commissioned to review the outline clinical model for the Tomorrow’s NUH programme – one of the Trusts within the national New Hospitals Programme. The aim of the review was to consider the clinical evidence base and rationale underpinning the...
East of England Clinical Senate Proactive Project – Virtual Wards Outcomes Paper (Dec 2023)
This report and checklist were developed by the East of England Clinical Senate in response to an approach by the Regional Virtual Ward team to support their work. Dr Martin Hawkings, Head of System Improvement – Virtual Wards, East of England Clinical Quality...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Clinical Senate Review of Newark Hospital Urgent Treatment Centre (November 2023)
The East Midlands Clinical Senate was commissioned jointly by NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB and Sherwood Forest Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust to undertake a clinical review of the Newark Urgent Treatment Centre. The review was retrospective in nature as...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Desktop Review of the current model of Paediatric service delivery at Pilgrim Hospital Boston (October 2023)
The East Midlands Clinical Senate were commissioned by the Lincolnshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) and United Lincolnshire NHS Trust (ULHT) to provide an independent clinical review in respect of their preferred option for the future service delivery of paediatric...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Review of the Community Services Provided at the Feilding Palmer Community Hospital (June 2023)
The Clinical Senate were commissioned to review the planned reconfiguration of the community services provided at the Feilding Palmer Community Hospital and to give a view on the permanent closure of a 10 bed inpatient facility on this site following a temporary...
London and South East Clinical Senates. Review of Proposed changes to children’s specialist cancer services Principal Treatment Centre serving Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, Kent and Medway, south London and most of Surrey – July 2023
On behalf of the London and South East Clinical Senates we are pleased to share the final joint Senates’ report of the proposed changes to the children’s specialist cancer services Principal Treatment Centre Programme (PTC) serving Brighton and Hove, East Sussex, Kent...
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations. “How can we build a sustainable NHS that’ll enable innovation and support the restoration of evidence based interventions, suspended during COVID 19 pandemic?” What models of care could help to address this?
How can we build a sustainable NHS that’ll enable innovation and support the restoration of evidence based interventions, suspended during COVID 19 pandemic?” What models of care could help to address this?
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations. How can we support people in the SW to live well with pain whilst reducing and preventing harm from opioids medication?
How can we support people in the SW to live well with pain whilst reducing and preventing harm from opioids medication?
South East Clinical Senate. Health inequalities in the southeast through a service change lens. September 2023
Service reconfiguration is a window of opportunity to drive forward the delivery of fair and equitable care. Both service providers and commissioners have a responsibility to support the triple aim of improving quality of care, reducing health inequalities across...
West Midlands Clinical Senate Review of the Provision of Stroke Services across the Birmingham and Solihull ICS Geography (May 2023)
The Clinical Senate were proactively approached to review the historical legacy arrangements in place for the stroke services pathway (end to end) with the aim to highlight areas of focus and opportunities that will ensure the delivery of clinically sustainable, high...
West Midlands Clinical Senate Review of The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust: Change of Urology Service Delivery (April 2023)
The Clinical Senate was engaged by Black Country Integrated Care Board to undertake a clinical review of the proposed reconfiguration of the Urology Services between The Royal Wolverhampton NHS Trust and Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust. The proposal looked to reorganise...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Review of the Community Services Provided at the Feilding Palmer Community Hospital (June 2023)
The Clinical Senate were commissioned to review the planned reconfiguration of the community services provided at the Feilding Palmer Community Hospital and to give a view on the permanent closure of a 10 bed inpatient facility on this site following a temporary...
South West Clinical Senate Recommendations. Workforce retention in healthcare and lessons learned from actions taken by organisations during the COVID 19 pandemic
Workforce retention in healthcare and lessons learned from actions taken by organisations during the COVID 19 pandemic
South West Clinical Senate. Recommendations. Handover Delays and Harm (July 2022)
Recommendations quantifying harm to patients and staff relating to ambulance delays and system-level interventions to mitigate the impact.
South West Clinical Senate. Recommendations _Report Climate Change: How can we empower, engage and equip clinicians, the wider workforce, healthcare leaders and our patients to make a change and consider planetary health in their decision making and actions? Nov 2021
Recommendations from the South West Clinical Senate Council on empowering and equipping clinicians, the wider workforce, healthcare leaders, and patients on making the necessary change in response to the threat of climate change, to protect the health of current and...
West Midlands Clinical Senate Athelon Ward Hospital at Home Service Change Clinical Senate Virtual Review (January 2023)
The Clinical Senate was proactively engaged by NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire Integrated Care Board (ICB) to gain independent, external clinical support from the Senate on their plans to maintain the current provision of community-based care at home for older...
East Midlands Clinical Senate Desktop Review of the Proposed Closure of the Ashley House Facility in Lincolnshire (April 2023)
The East Midlands Clinical Senate were proactively engaged by the Lincolnshire System (specifically, the Integrated Care Board (ICB) and Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust) to gain independent, external clinical support from the Clinical Senate on their...
East of England Clinical Senate – The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust: New Build Proposals (Nov 2018)
The East of England Clinical Senate was approached by Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust (PAH) to undertake a review for proposals for an out of hospital model as part of new build hospital proposals on the Princess Alexandra Hospital site in Harlow. Please note that...
East of England Clinical Senate – West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust: Redevelopment Proposals (Sept 2020)
The East of England Clinical Senate was asked to review the West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust (WHHT) plans for investment in their estate; recognising the potentially detrimental impact on the delivery of safe, effective, responsive and efficient care resulting...
East of England Clinical Senate – Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust: Vascular Services Hub Location (Oct 2021)
The Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (BHFT) asked the East of England Clinical Senate to undertake an early stage review of its proposals for a change in vascular hub location within Bedfordshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
East of England Clinical Senate Proactive Project – June 2022 Health Inequalities Workshop Report
The East of England Clinical Senate invited clinicians from across the region to attend a workshop on 27 June 2022 to learn about health inequalities from a national and regional perspective, the five key Core20PLUS5 (Adults) areas of health inequality, and how health...
South East Clinical Senate – Review of the Centralisation of Section 136 Health Based Places of Safety (HBPoS) in Kent and Medway Pre Consultation Business Case – May 2023
The South East Clinical Senate were requested by the NHS England regional reconfiguration assurance team to review proposals aimed at improving the experience and outcomes for patients through creation of a centralised HBPoS service for Kent and Medway. The...
South East Clinical Senate – Embedding healthcare sustainability in major service change – May 2023
The aim of this report is to provide guidance to help both systems and review panels to ensure sustainability is embedded into service change proposals from the outset and to demonstrate ‘what good looks like’ for us as a Clinical Senate. We hope this report provides...
East of England Clinical Senate – Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership: Community Inpatient Beds (April 2022)
The East of England Clinical Senate supported Mid and South Essex Health and Care Partnership by providing independent clinical advice on their proposals for the future configuration of community inpatient beds resulting from the urgent service changes made in...