To work collaboratively to provide a source of strategic, independent advice and leadership to support systems to deliver the best health and care outcomes for patients, their families and their communities.

This means supporting:

  • Patient needs, patient choice and personalised coordinated care
  • High quality, sustainable and equitable healthcare
  • A values-based approach

The South East Clinical Senate will:

  • Provide high quality, evidence based strategic clinical advice and guidance.
  • Carry out proactive reviews for systems on identified topics of interest in the region. For example; inequalities, sustainability, workforce.
  • Support ICSs and system colleagues by providing patient-focussed, clinical advice and support as plans are developed, acting as a critical friend.
  • Facilitate system wide sharing and learning.

Our Principle Aims


To create a common culture across all clinical disciplines and organisations as a platform for the development of health services across the South East.


To create a consistent, coherent clinical leadership role that is locally credible and exerts a strong and positive influence on the development of services.


To foster a culture of patient and public involvement in the formulation of strategic clinical advice.


To build strong and enduring relationships with local commissioners and seek alliance and alignment with the Health Innovation Networks, Clinical Network teams, NHS England teams including Public Health, and Workforce, Training and Education.

Our Role and Function


Provide evidence based clinical advice, act as an honest broker and, if required, undertake focussed reviews where there may be a lack of consensus in the local health system.


Provide independent clinical advice to ICSs in respect of major service change programmes, to inform the NHS England service change assurance process.


Work with stakeholders to identify aspects of health care where there is potential to improve outcomes and value. Provide proactive advice about the areas for inquiry or collaboration, and the areas for further analysis of current evidence and practice.


Enable leadership development: through membership of our council, assembly and Expert Review Panels, the South East Clinical Senate plays a major role in building strategic clinical leadership. Participants in Clinical Senate work get excellent experience of system-based thinking with real life examples.


Support learning and sharing across systems. The South East Clinical Senate has a huge resource in the pooled expertise of its members. It provides a platform for sharing that expertise within the Senate, regionally (through its annual Senate Conference and proactive work publications) and nationally (between Senates and systems). Listen to our interactive discussion on ‘Not a Consultation’ podcasts.