Given the geography of the South West and the need to ensure equitable access, what are the essential clinical characteristics for networked delivery of Urgent Treatment Centres (UTCs)? As part of your deliberations please consider the following: · Clinical...
South East Clinical Senate. Future acute stroke services in Kent and Medway: A South East Clinical Senate review of the STP’s preferred option for stroke service configuration. (Nov. 2018)
The South East Clinical Senate has previously undertaken a number of independent clinical reviews of stroke care for Kent, Surrey and Sussex, and specifically for Kent and Medway it previously was invited to review the draft case for change, and more recently the...
South East Clinical Senate. Helping Patients and Staff to Stop Smoking: The Essential Role of Acute Hospitals. (Nov. 2018)
Although smoking prevalence in England continues to decline, smoking remains the biggest killer and biggest single cause of health inequalities. The evidence for the adverse impact of smoking on health is long established and there is a well-publicised, robust...
London Clinical Senate – Workforce: Turning a Risk into an Enabler (October 2018)
Clinical Senate Forum - Summary Report The rapid increase in demand for services, constrained funding and a number of other challenges have greatly impacted the supply and retention of the health and social care workforce both nationally and within London. This event...
South West Clinical Senate. Colorectal Cancer Commissioning Guidance (Sept 2018)
To what extent are providers in the South West able to deliver the national commissioning pathways for colorectal cancer patients? What are the key areas for pathway redesign and provision of service that will improve the quality of experience & timeliness of...
Joint South East and London Clinical Senate Review of the Case for Change and Clinical Models for Surrey Downs, Sutton and Merton CCGs. (Sep. 2018)
At the request of the ‘acute sustainability programme’ (ASP) led by the three CCGs of Surrey Downs, Sutton and Merton, the South East and the London clinical senates undertook an independent clinical review of the case for change clinical models and potential...
South West Clinical Senate. Wellbeing and Mental Health of Children and Young People’s Mental Health Workforce (Jul 2018)
How do we become exemplars in looking after the Wellbeing and Mental Health of our Children and Young People’s Mental Health Workforce in the South West? What is the support offer to the workforce and what practical steps can be recommended to implement this in the...
London Clinical Senate – Advice on Proposals for Mental Health Services in Camden and Islington (June 2018)
Report of the Clinical Review Panel held on 15 May 2018 The Senate was asked to provide advice on proposals to improve in-patient mental health services in Camden and Islington which included the relocation of in-patient beds and a new model of working with community...
Thames Valley Strategic Clinical Networks and Clinical Senate. Population Health Report. (May 2018)
‘Population health’ has emerged as a widely used phrase in relation to the NHS Integrated Care Systems (ICS) and Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs). A commonly agreed definition is currently being developed by NHS England in collaboration with...
London Clinical Senate – Building System Leadership for Integrated Care (May 2018)
Clinical Senate Forum The move towards integrated care systems is acknowledged and understood by most senior leaders in our trusts, clinical commissioning groups and local authorities but is often less well understood by staff working directly with patients, carers...
Thames Valley Clinical Senate. British Thoracic Society: Smoking Cessation Audit Report 2016. (May 2018)
What is the current status of smoking cessation services in secondary care in Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Berkshire, and Frimley and are there further opportunities to support patients to ’stop before the op’.
London Clinical Senate – Junior Doctor Engagement: Views from the Frontline (February 2018)
Report from a survey and listening exercise led by the London Clinical Senate and the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management. Advice to improve the experience of and strengthen engagement with doctors in training – in collaboration with the Faculty of Medical...
South West Clinical Senate. Workforce Sustainability (Feb 2018)
To what extent is growing concern regarding the sustainability of the workforce in the South West valid, and what principles should STPs work to in order to successfully plan and deliver their workforce strategies?
London Clinical Senate – Traumatic Injury to Brain Across London (TrIBAL) (January 2018)
Traumatic Injury to Brain Across London (TrIBAL) Provisional Report Advice on improving pathways and care for people with traumatic brain injury – in collaboration with the London Trauma System.
London Clinical Senate – Next Steps for General Practice in London – Scale, Integration and Incentives – What Works? (January 2018)
Clinical Senate Forum - Summary Report Integration and collaboration across general practices and primary care is already taking place in London with the majority of practices belonging to an at scale organisation. However the nature and extent of collaboration,...
South East Clinical Senate. Future acute stroke services in Kent and Medway: A South East Clinical Senate review of the STP’s draft proposals prior to public consultation. (Jan. 2018)
A review of stroke proposals against recommendations of the previous south east clinical senate review of K&M's case for change for stroke services (2015). The review provides an overall assessment of the viability of the proposed options prior to public...
South East Clinical Senate. Improving Clinical Communications between Primary and Secondary Care Clinicians: A review and recommendations for Sussex and East Surrey STP. (Dec. 2017)
The way that clinicians work together in providing care to individual patients, and how they communicate with each other, is vital to providing an integrated, coordinated, patient-centred approach, and for delivering the best experience of care and outcomes for...
South West Clinical Senate. Biosimilar Medicines (Dec 2017)
(Advice to NHSE) To what extent and how should the transition to use of biosimilar medicines be prioritised to enable the provision of best value care in the NHS? Does the clinical Senate support the update of biosimilar medicines at pace and how can their best...
South West Clinical Senate. Principles for Reconfiguration: Advice for STPs (Oct 2017)
As Sustainability and Transformation Partnerships (STPs) continue to develop across the South West, the Clinical Senate is increasingly being asked to provide both early independent clinical advice and formal independent clinical review of plans for large scale change...
London Clinical Senate – Accessing Specialist Advice in a Transforming NHS: Essential Features of an Effective Person Centred Pathway (October 2017)
Clinical Senate Forum - Summary Report Developments in out of hospital care, particularly primary care transformation, use of technology and digitally enabled solutions, empowering people, optimising skills and experience of different workforce groups all present...
South West Clinical Senate. Delivering the tobacco control plan in the South West (Sept 2017)
Deliberation about he most effective methods for delivering smoking/tobacco prevention in the South West and how could the health community be used to support this? Defining a smoke free NHS. In May 2017 the Clinical Senate Council session considered smoking and...
South West Clinical Senate. Stage Two Clinical Review Report: Gloucestershire STP One Place Acute Transformation Proposals (July 2017)
The South West Clinical Senate convened a Clinical Review Panel which sat on the 18th and 19th of July 2017 to deliberate and consider Gloucestershire STP’s proposals for its Clinical Advice and Assessment Service (CAAS), Urgent Care Centres (UCCs), its Acute...
Thames Valley Clinical Senate. NHS Bed Test applied retrospectively to the Oxfordshire Transformation Programme-Phase 1 (Jul. 2017)
In September 2016, the Thames Valley Clinical Senate (the Senate) was asked to undertake a clinical review of the Phase 1 Oxfordshire Transformation proposals, as part of the formal NHSE stage 2 assurance processes. This was completed in November 2016. Further...
Wessex Clinical Senate. The Wessex Primary Care Project. (Jul. 2017)
Health Education England Wessex and Wessex Clinical Senate jointly commissioned the Wessex Primary Care Project, with project management provided by Wessex Academic Health Science Network (Wessex AHSN). The aims of the project were to: Develop a baseline record of...
South East Clinical Senate. Emphasising Quality, Delivering Value: A briefing for clinicians in Kent Surrey and Sussex on achieving the best patient outcomes within available resources. (Jul. 2017)
A briefing for clinicians on achieving the best patient outcomes within available resources. This report defines the concept of value in healthcare, both for populations and for individual patients, and how this requires a re-focus on achieving outcomes that matter...
London Clinical Senate – Enhancing Health in Care Homes Leading a Whole System Response (May 2017)
Clinical Senate Forum - Summary Report Meeting the needs of a growing and ageing population is one of the key challenges and the number of Londoners aged over 80 is predicted to increase by 40% over the next 15 years. As the greatest users of health and care services...
South East Clinical Senate. Review of Kent and Medway Clinical Service Delivery Models. (May 2017)
The clinical senate was asked to review four specific service delivery models. For each , the question posed was: Will the proposed new models of care result in better quality care and improve patient outcomes and experience; are they realistic, appropriate and...
South West Clinical Senate. Considering weight loss and smoking cessation criteria to improve surgical outcomes (May 2017)
Deliberation and recommendations around the subject: How best can weight loss and smoking cessation be encouraged through criteria for fitness for surgery and what is the evidence base for improved outcomes as a result? Based on the papers reviewed in advance of the...
South East Clinical Senate. Review of the Kent and Medway Case for Change. (May 2017)
A detailed critique of the STP's draft case for change was undertaken prior to its finalisation and publication. The feedback related to the need for ambition, alignment with local, regional and national strategies, gaps in data or focus, delivering required standards...
South East Clinical Senate. Review of Kent and Medway STP Case for Change. (Feb. 2017)
A review of the Kent and Medway STP's draft case for change (C4C), prior to their development of an internal use C4C and a public facing version, which would inform subsequent papers describing models of care, and service options. We noted that there is no national or...
South West Clinical Senate. Emergency General Surgery – A review of Acute Trusts in the South West (Feb 2017)
Emergency General Surgery (EGS) represents the largest number of surgical admissions in UK hospitals and accounts for a high number of complications, resulting in long periods of care and a high number of fatalities. This report provides advice on how EGS services...
Thames Valley Clinical Senate. Appendix to the report ‘Oxfordshire Transformation Proposal, Clinical Assurance Review’ dated 30/11/2016 (Jan. 2017)
On the 29th November 2016, the Thames Valley Clinical Senate Council reviewed and endorsed the report received from the Clinical Review Team which had been established to carry out a formal clinical review of the proposals put forward by Oxfordshire Clinical...
London Clinical Senate – Developing High Quality, Value Based Care out of Hospital (January 2017)
Clinical Senate Forum - Summary Report Comprehensive out of hospital is a broad topic encompassing a wide range of services and issues, so there was a focus on initiatives aimed at admission avoidance and facilitating discharge. The event included a review of the...
Thames Valley Clinical Senate. Oxfordshire Transformation Proposal. Clinical assurance Review. (Nov. 2016)
Thames Valley Clinical Senate has been asked to review the system transformation proposals developed by Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) for its local population as part of NHS Englnd’s assurance process. At a time of major financial restraint in the NHS...
South East Clinical Senate. Reducing avoidable hospital based care: re-thinking out of hospital clinical pathways. (Nov. 2016)
A guide to improving clinical pathways and models of care that are less dependent on acute hospitals. It provides a detailed guide to managing acute symptoms and conditions out of hospital where safe and appropriate to do so. This report also provides detailed...
South West Clinical Senate. Principles for Developing Community Reconfiguration Proposals (Nov 2016)
As Sustainability and Transformation Plans (STPs) are being developed across the 6 STP footprints in the South West, the Clinical Senate is increasingly being asked to provide independent clinical review of plans for community transformation. The Senate can give...
South West Clinical Senate. Stage Two Clinical Review: South Devon and Torbay CCG Community Services Transformation (Oct 2016)
The Clinical Senate convened a clinical review panel to consider South Devon and Torbay CCGs proposals for community services transformation. The proposals included an increase in place based care with the development of clinical hubs and health and wellbeing centres...
South West Clinical Senate. Stage Two Clinical Review: Devon CCG Proposals to Changes to Community Beds (Oct 2016)
The Clinical Senate Council reviewed NEW Devon Clinical Commissioning Groups proposals to reduce community hospital beds whilst investing in community staff and services to provide care via three key components identified as necessary to support enhanced care at home.
South West Clinical Senate. Supporting and Developing the South West STPs (Oct 2016)
The Senate deliberations highlighted the potential for clinical and specialist collaboration to help and inform STP delivery going forward. The recommendations provide detail of the offer to STPs from the Senate and other ALBs from the SW region.
London Clinical Senate – Delivering Seven Day Services (July 2017)
Clinical Senate Forum - Summary Report Ensuring patients receive consistent, high standards of care, seven days a week, is a priority for the NHS. Early work towards this goal and baseline surveys of hospital services have highlighted the scale and complexities of the...
South West Clinical Senate. South Gloucestershire CCG 3Rs Review (June 2016)
The South West Clinical Senate conducted an independent clinical review of community rehabilitation, reablement and recovery services model implementation for South Gloucestershire CCG.
South West Clinical Senate. Complex Spinal Surgery Referral Pathways Review (June 2016)
The Clinical Senate conducted an independent clinical review of complex spinal surgery referral pathways at North Bristol NHS Trust and Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust at the request of the Specialised Commissioning team for Orthopaedics, Neurosurgery and Spinal Surgery....
London Clinical Senate – Advice on Proposals for Elective Orthopaedic Care in South East London (May 2016)
Advice on proposals for elective orthopaedic care in South East London Report of the Clinical Review Panel held on 06 May 2016 The Senate was asked to provide advice on proposals to consolidate elective orthopaedic inpatient care in South East London - a stage 2...
London Clinical Senate – Advice on Plans for the Transition of Paediatric Services from Ealing Hospital (February 2016)
Advice on plans for transition of paediatric services in north west London Report of the Clinical Review Panel held on 11 February 2016 The Senate was asked to provide advice on plans for the transition of paediatric service from Ealing Hospital. This piece of work...
South West Clinical Senate. Clinical Review of Rehabilitation Model of Care for South Gloucestershire CCG (Jan 2016)
Local review of model of Care for South Gloucestershire CCG 3R model of care. Not part of NHS England assurance process but the clinical review model was followed with an out of area team conducting the review. Second stage review process was completed in January 2016.
South West Clinical Senate. Surgical Interventions with Limited Benefit (Jan 2016)
MDTs in cancer surgery requested guidance regarding their work and boundaries when making recommendations to operate, particularly in the area of complex or highly invasive surgery where benefits may be limited. There was no intention to limit surgical decision making...
South East Clinical Senate. Hospitals without acute stroke units – A review of the clinical implications and recommendations for stroke networks. (Jan. 2016)
The South East Clinical Senate (SECS) received a formal request for a clinical review from The Surrey clinical commissioners to answer the following question: For a population whose local acute hospital does not have either a hyper-acute or acute stroke unit, how can...
South East Clinical Senate Review of proposals for future stroke services in Sussex. (Dec. 2015)
The Clinical Senate was asked to review the methodology used by the Sussex Stroke Clinical Reference Group (SSCRG) to date to make any recommendations for improvement. The expert clinical review group identified a wide range of issues that it advises both the SSCRG...
South West Clinical Senate. Mental Health Services Configuration (Nov 2015)
As seen through the experience of service users and their family/carers is the current provision of mental health services and their configuration appropriate? How and where should services best be accessed for early help, ongoing support and in crises and what...
South West Clinical Senate. National standard for urgent and emergency care (Sept 2015)
Giving due attention to issues of local clinical engagement and ownership whilst retaining focus on economies of scale, the SW Senate provided recommendations about how all health and social care communities can move from their current provision of urgent and...